Support Our Madrasah Renovation Appeal

Total Raised


Updated: January 2025



Madrasah Renovation Leaflet 2024

Madrasah Renovation Poster 2024

We have been in our current premises (140-142 Garstang Rd) for over 16 years, and in this period no major renovation work has been carried out.

The building is old, and to put it frankly, it is quite dilapidated. Rather than constantly carrying out little repairs / refurbishments here and there, after consulting various professionals, the advice received is to carry out a full renovation of our premises. This will result in more efficiency and cost saving, it will also provide a better learning environment for us all.

We hope to carry out:

  • A complete internal refurbishment of all classrooms.
  • Improve the lighting of all classrooms and communal areas.
  • New fire doors throughout the Madrasa.
  • Upgrade the CCTV and fire systems.
  • Improve the toilet / Wudhu facilities.
  • Utilise “dead space” in the Madrasa – at the same time remove all unnecessary structures/fittings that are in some classrooms (fireplaces, chimneys, fixed wooden structures etc). Removing “dead space” in certain classrooms will increase space by up to 15-20%.
  • Create digital learning infrastructures for the future (internet access, smart boards etc in classrooms etc).
  • If feasible and subject to planning, extensions.

The estimated minimum cost is £800,000, and if extensions are carried out, then the cost increases to over £1,000.000 (this is not taking into consideration the cost of replacing carpets and other educational electronic equipment).

Click on the relevant links and support us in whatever way you can. Do not forget to make Dua for the success of this project.

Every little help makes a difference. Invest in the future of Islamic education and support our upcoming generations.

Renovation Project – Bank Details

Please ensure you quote reference: RENOVATION

Bank: HSBC, Fishergate, Preston. PR1 2AD.
Sort Code: 40- 37- 25
Account Number: 02578433